A Personal Reflection on Freedom of Expression and the Ethics of Hosting

Jannis Fedoruk-Betschki
Jannis Fedoruk-Betschki 19 October 2024
This is a personal post from me, Jannis, the founder of Magic Pages. I’ve written it after I had to decline doing business with someone, and I feel it's important to share why. Magic Pages is run solely by me, and while I strive to create a platform for free expression, there are certain boundaries that must be respected, both in terms of legal requirements and my personal values.

The right to express yourself is a cornerstone of modern societies and democracies. It's something we all take for granted, a fundamental human right that allows us to share ideas, debate, and connect with others.

Here at Magic Pages, my goal has always been to create a space where anyone can publish their thoughts using the power of Ghost. With that freedom comes shared responsibility. There are rules in place to ensure that Magic Pages remains a legally compliant platform, while also reflecting my personal commitment to ethical standards.

I once came across a saying that stuck with me, though I can’t recall the exact source:

You have the right to knock on my door, but I have the right not to let you in.

Magic Pages is a private hosting service. And while I respect the right to free speech, this platform is also a reflection of my values and the legal framework I operate within. To govern this framework, I have setup an Acceptable Use Policy that is published for anyone to see:

Terms & Conditions
Read more about the terms & conditions of Magic pages, a no-subscription Ghost hosting solution based in Europe.

While some aspects of the Acceptable Use Policy can be open to interpretation, I encourage an open dialogue. If you’re unsure about any content, feel free to reach out for clarity.

Magic Pages is a business run as a sole proprietorship in Austria, a country that enjoys a high level of freedom when it comes to expression. Austrian law protects free speech, allowing everybody to discuss and debate as they wish.

However, like in many countries, there are certain limits. For example, Holocaust denial is illegal (keep the historic context in mind), and promoting violence or hate speech is strictly prohibited. As a hosting provider, I need to ensure that the content on Magic Pages complies with these laws.

This means that while I respect users' rights to express themselves, I must be cautious about what gets published on my platform. Without a team of lawyers at my disposal, I often err on the side of caution. And yes, that means, that sometimes I will decline to host your content, if I cannot make a sound legal judgement myself.

Why Am I Even Talking About This?

A recent experience highlighted this tension for me. A potential customer wanted to migrate their site to Magic Pages. After reviewing the content, I found that some of their posts were spreading Russian propaganda—claiming Ukraine is run by neo-Nazis, calling Ukraine a "tumor," and even promoting violence against Jews.

While part of my family is Ukrainian and some are also Jewish, my decision wasn’t based solely on personal connections. I’m open to fact-based criticism of any government or policy—that’s how democracies work. But when content denies a nation’s right to exist, spreads harmful propaganda, or calls for violence, it crosses a line that I cannot support. These values are not just personal; they are the foundation of Magic Pages, which is an extension of my beliefs and principles as its founder.

In this instance, I chose not to host the site, exercising my right to maintain the integrity of the platform. While I respect the customer’s right to express their views, I believe it’s important to ensure that Magic Pages does not become a vehicle for promoting harmful content.

To put this in perspective: imagine someone asking to publish a guest post on your blog that fundamentally contradicts your core values. Would you feel comfortable associating your platform with it?

The Reality of Private Hosting

When you host your content with a private company, be it Magic Pages or another provider, you’re bound by their terms of service and the legal system they operate under. There’s no getting around that. If someone truly wants a platform where they can say whatever they want, free from interference from any side, they would need to take a different route — running their own server, which they are fully responsible for.

Even then, there’s no absolute freedom. Many server hosting companies that rent out infrastructure have their own Acceptable Use policies, which means they too can terminate services if certain content crosses a line. The only truly censorless platform would be one that’s hosted on your own hardware, physically connected to the internet, without relying on third parties. Basically, a server in your living room. But that’s not a practical option for most people, and even then, you’d still be subject to laws in your country.

Values and Business

At the end of the day, Magic Pages is a reflection of the principles I stand for as a business owner. I strongly support freedom of expression, but as the person responsible for the content on my platform, there are lines I cannot cross—particularly when content promotes harm or violates basic ethical standards.

There are certain types of content I’m not willing to support, and I make no apologies for that. This doesn’t mean I’m trying to silence anyone—just that Magic Pages might not be the right fit for everyone.

Every platform has boundaries, and while freedom of expression is vital, it comes with the responsibility to ensure that content does not promote harm or violate the ethical principles that guide us.

Built by Magic Pages customers

Magic Pages is proud to have helped so many amazing publications come to life. Here is a small selection of what our customers built on Magic Pages.

Screenshot of Ellie Mathieson's website

Ellie Mathieson

Digital Storefront
Screenshot of Big Idea Bible

Big Idea Bible

Personal Blog
Screenshot of Bento


Ghost Theme