February 2025 Update on Magic Pages

So, February has been another busy month at Magic Pages with several improvements to the platform's infrastructure and some exciting new features on the horizon. Let's dive into what's been happening!

⚡ Mailgun Email Limit Reset

Remember that massive migration from Amazon SES to Mailgun I've been working on? Well, it's finally complete! To ensure everyone gets a clean slate, I've realigned all email limits to start from February 1st, 2025.

During December and January, I essentially put email limit tracking on hold while the migration was happening. Now that Magic Pages is fully settled into the new Mailgun infrastructure, normal tracking has resumed with your original billing day maintained (if your email limits were reset on the 13th before, they'll keep resetting on February 13th, March 13th, etc.).

💳 Automatic Charge for Email Overages (for some of you)

Speaking of emails, I've heard your feedback about the manual payment process for email overages. It is...less than ideal.

If you're on a monthly or yearly subscription, things will be automated now! Your additional email charges will now be automatically processed using your card on file - just like your regular subscription. You'll still get a detailed notification about usage and charges, but the you don't need to manually open the payment link, add your card details and so on.

For everyone on the lifetime plans, the process stays the same with manual payment links. Unfortunately (or fortunately - depending on the perspective), it's pretty hard to charge a card without an ongoing subscription.

🚀 More Reliable Cache Purging

Ever hit publish on a post and then frantically reload your site multiple times to see if it's live? Nope, not a joke. I know, some of you have been running into this in the last couple of months. Well, not anymore.

I have done a major overhaul for Magic Pages' Bunny.net integration, which now purges the CDN cache more reliably, when new content is available on your site.

While not instant (due to the nature of networking), your site's cache should now be purged within 2-3 seconds. Faster than you can say "Oh, how cool, Jannis, now I don't need to hit refresh so many times" 😜

🔍 Better Search on Pro Plans

Here's something I'm particularly excited about: a completely new search solution for Pro customers is coming soon:

Better Search on Pro Plans
Search? Yeah, Ghost has that built in, right? Yes and no. While Ghost’s sodo-search works well for basic needs, larger sites with extensive content often reach its limits. The built-in search can only search post titles, authors, tags, and excerpts. So, what if one of your users wants to search

While Ghost's built-in search is great, it can only search titles, authors, tags, and excerpts. What about that perfect quote buried deep in paragraph 17 of your masterpiece from last year?

That's why I'm building a comprehensive search solution powered by Typesense, an open-source search-as-you-type search engine. Unlike Algolia (which is usually recommended in the Ghost community for more advanced search options), you won't need to manage external accounts or worry about usage limits – it will all be included in your Pro plan.

Want a sneak peek? It's already live on the Magic Pages website:

I'm currently in the final testing phase and looking for beta testers. If you're running a larger site on a Pro plan and want early access, drop me a line!

🎭 Tier-Based Newsletter Content (Beta Feature)

One of you recently asked about hiding certain content (like ads) in newsletters based on membership tiers. Good news – Ghost is actually working on this very feature, and it's currently in beta:

Hide HTML-Snippet for paid-users?!
Hey! Designer at Ghost here. @Cathy_Sarisky is right – we’ve currently got a private beta running that gives you more control over who should see the content inside your HTML card. That said, we’re working on extending this functionality to a new call-to-action card which lets you do exactly what you asked: creating an ad block with an “advertisement” label, an image, background color, etc. That way, you won’t have to create everything yourself in HTML. I can’t tell you exactly when it will be…

Since this requires some behind-the-scenes configuration changes, just reach out to help@magicpages.co or use the live chat if you'd like this enabled for your site. I'm happy to set it up for you to play with!

🔮 What's Next?

March is looking exciting with the search feature rollout and some more behind-the-scenes improvements. I'm also exploring some other features, but more on that in the roadmap and – hopefully – next month!

As always, I'm just a chat message away if you have questions, feedback, or just want to say hello. Your input shapes Magic Pages every step of the way!

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