My Ghost website doesn't send Magic Links

By Jannis, Founder
Last updated: 12 May 2024

If your members get the error message "Failed to send magic link email" when trying to request a magic link, there might be an issue with your mail setup.

In order to send transactional emails with Ghost hosted on Magic Pages (such as magic links, password reset emails for staff, or contributor invitations), the sending domain needs to have so-called DKIM records.

These are DNS records that ensure that your emails are actually from who they say they are – you.

If you're on a Magic Pages trial you can only send emails from a domain. To test the newsletter functionality, leave the newsletter settings in Ghost as they are (usually

Once you upgrade to a paid plan you will be able to choose a custom domain for your Ghost CMS website. During this domain setup you will see the relevant DNS records that need to be added. Once that is done, you can also send magic links from this custom domain.

Please note that you can only send email newsletters from the domain you have verified with Magic Pages. The newsletter settings need to align with this address. Additionally, for magic links to fully work, the email address in Portal Settings --> Account page --> Support email address also needs to align with the domain.

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