Why Can I Only Send 100 Newsletters In My Trial?

By Jannis, Founder
Last updated: 06 December 2023

Magic Pages' free trial includes 100 email newsletters, so you can try all the features Ghost has to offer. We often get asked why we decided to limit the amount of emails that can be sent during our trial, and we quickly want to address this here.

  • Spam Prevention: To ensure Magic Pages isn’t misused for spamming purposes, the trial phase has a restricted email count. This protects our platform's reputation and maintains a high email deliverability for all our customers.
  • Trial Purpose: The trial's primary goal is to offer a taste of what Magic Pages and Ghost can do. In our eyes, the 100-email limit is sufficient to experience the email newsletter feature's effectiveness and usability. If you decide that Magic Pages fits your goals with your newsletter, you can upgrade to our paid plan, which includes 10,000 emails every month.

Should you find yourself in a situation where you need more than 100 emails during your 14-day trial, please reach out to us. We are happy to adapt your trial to your needs and are certain we can find an individual solution with you.

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