Now Available

Updated Kyiv Theme to v2.1.0

The Kyiv theme has been updated to v2.1.0 after some further bug reports from the community.

?Important: updating to v2.1.0 will introduce breaking changes. Please read this changelog before doing so.

? Design & UI Improvements

  • features and testimonial tags were changed to #features and #testimonials to properly use Ghost's internal tag feature. ?This is a breaking change. Read below how to prepare your site for it.
  • The /blog page now shows all posts (as a proper blog should), removing the necessity to add a tag blog to every post you want to see there. ?This is a breaking change. Read below how to prepare your site for it.

? Bug Fixes

  • Preview images on the featured posts on the blog page are now all in a square aspect ration.

The theme can be updated through your Ghost admin panel under Design settings. After updating, you may need to clear your browser cache to see all changes.

?Preparing for breaking changes

To prepare for these breaking changes, there are a few things you should prepare on your site first:

Go to your tags and open the features tag. Change the name from features to #features. Change the slug from features to hash-features. This is how it should look like after the changes:

Screenshot of the tag settings of the newly created #features tag. The field Name is filled in with "#features", the field Slug with "slug-features". Description is empty.

Now, go back to the tags overview and open the testimonials tag. Change the name from testimonials to #testimonials. Change the slug from testimonials to hash-testimonials. Again, this is how it should look like after the changes:

Screenshot of the tag settings of the newly created #features tag. The field Name is filled in with "#testimonials", the field Slug with "slug-testimonials". Description is empty.

These two changes will convert the tags into internal tags that will not show up on the public facing side of your Ghost site, yet we can still use them to filter in the theme.

Then, go to your posts. Open every post that was tagged with features or testimonials. Copy their content into newly created pages (not posts) and apply the new #features and #testimonials tags accordingly.

While you're at it, also create a page with the title and slug blog. You do not need to add any content, but you will need to assign the tag blog. This page will not show up anywhere. It is just there to make sure the tag blog has a page or post assigned.

You should then have a page list that looks somewhat like this:

You can now unassign the blog tag from any posts you previously assigned it to. The blog tag is not necessary for posts to show up on the /blog page anymore.

Finally, upload the new routes-kyiv.yaml at Settings --> Labs --> Routes:

Questions or feedback?

Let us know what you think about this new feature in the comments below!

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