Development Update #10 on Magic pages

It's been another week, and while not much has happened, I still have a few updates to share.

Most of my focus this week has been on the templating system that I mentioned last time.

Using the use cases you all sent me, I prioritised a first theme, which I'm excited to share with you.

Screenshot of a theme for Magic Pages
Screenshot of a theme for Magic Pages

Since most of the feedback I received mentioned using Magic Pages as a blog for sharing updates with specific groups (e.g., memberships or the public), I decided to focus on a magazine-style theme first, something that's versatile and can be adapted to different types of content.

The goal with this theme is to create a versatile template, that helps you spread your content. Nearly everything you see in this theme is dynamic and can be changed within the Ghost interface of Magic Pages.

I aim to finish the first theme this week. Once that's done, I still need to test the onboarding flow. Thankfully, I have a volunteer for that (thank you in advance!).

So after that, it's showtime, and you will all receive an invite to try Magic Pages for yourself. Exciting, right? ?

Next week, I plan to add a second theme, so keep an eye out for that.

That's all for now. Thank you as always for your continued support. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any thoughts or ideas.


Built by Magic Pages customers

Magic Pages is proud to have helped so many amazing publications come to life. Here is a small selection of what our customers built on Magic Pages.

Screenshot of Ellie Mathieson's website

Ellie Mathieson

Digital Storefront
Screenshot of Big Idea Bible

Big Idea Bible

Personal Blog
Screenshot of Bento


Ghost Theme